Quick Poll: “Point of Power” or “Element of Power”

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For the workshop “Joy-Based Living: Vulture Culture” (in Mentone, AL tomorrow) I’ll be sharing a metaphor to describe aspects of personal power.

Would you prefer the metaphor ELEMENT of power or POINT of power to refer to these aspects of personal power (see description below).

a) POINTS of Power (imagine orb-soft glow lights, which I’ll be bringing to the workshop)
1. Desire
2. Emotions
3. Things
4. Community

YOU are the 5th point. You are the story teller about all of the points. The story you tell is the gateway for what’s next.


b) ELEMENTS of Power (for elements, imagine water, which can be so easily transformed… ice, boiled, distilled, etc.)
1. Desire
2. Emotions
3. Things
4. Community

YOU are the 5th element. You are the story teller about all of the elements. The story you tell is the gateway for what’s next.

If you’d like to share why you chose what you did, we’d love to know! Please write in the comment section below.

7 thoughts on “Quick Poll: “Point of Power” or “Element of Power”

  1. I prefer Element of Power. I like the energy of the word element and it describes the basic part of something that is connected to a system.

  2. Like David, I too feel that point of power sounds more clear and actually powerful. Element feels vague, and abstract, which I don’t associate directly to a sense of power.
    That is, until I read your descriptions and the props / images you intend to use for each option. The water element leaves a strong impression on me.

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