Courage to Connect: A JBL curriculum for teachers!

Amy and Debbie screen shot full of JOY
*New Joy-Based Living classroom support for teachers *
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Hi Friends!
Over the summer, my dear friend Amy Gregory and I collaborated to write a 20-lesson curriculum for elementary school teachers (3-5th grades). Amy’s been a teacher for many years, so we re-designed the JBL practices (especially Feed the C.O.W., or Container of Worthiness) to fit the needs of a typical classroom!
The best teachers are committed to creating atmospheres of JOY and well-being in their classrooms and one of the best ways to do that is to increase the sense of connection among students. So…
Our program is called “Courage to Connect”.
We had so much fun, especially because I’m more of a “broad stroke” and “big picture” person while Amy excels at making sure the instructions are clear and all of the students can follow along, even those who are just learning English. (I think it’s cool that she has a Ph.D. in Spanish Linguistics!)
PLEASE FOLLOW OUR STORE HERE, and if you know any teachers, please share this resource with them.

One thought on “Courage to Connect: A JBL curriculum for teachers!

    — Will Mathes, M.A. Ed., former elementary school teacher & adjunct college professor

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