Honor the still, small voice

We often hear people talk about the still small voice that whispers to us… judges of intuition on a project or guidance as we go about our day.

Most people know what I’m talking about. Most people kick themselves after the fact, if they didn’t listen to it.

So why isn’t it honored more often?

Schools don’t acknowledge it.

Fear covers it up.

Anger doesn’t allow us to hear it.

But what if …

Imagine with me …

What if the still small voice was commonly heard, talked about, and honored?

What would our schools, businesses and relationships be like?

More magical, I’d say.


More free.

More beautiful.

Here’s a video on this very topic.

Here’s to more of us listening to and honoring the still small voice within.

The world awaits your magic!

Bring it on!



2 thoughts on “Honor the still, small voice

  1. As they say, “Just what the doctor ordered.” You’re oh-so-right-on, Debbie… Thank you for the affirmation/confirmation/encouraging reminder!… As I continue consciously attuning myself to that still, small voice, I’m finding the means naturally emerging for the removal of the obstacles to my well-being, health & joy — some of it is simply “letting go & letting God” and some requires “courage to change” and following through with repeated practice of new behaviors and attitudes… Along the way, I really appreciate the simplicity and focus you bring to this subject… and your caring, compassionate tone, as well. Merci beaucoup!

  2. I also greatly appreciate knowing there are others “out there” in the world (especially the Joy-based Living community) who are doing likewise, practicing this in their daily lives, bringing into being a new & better world, from the inside out, with each of our sister’s & brother’s support! 🙂

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