Rejection! The hardest part of leaving a narcissist you love – is probably not what you think it is.

talk to the hand rejection



Deep and true belief in someone.

When your longstanding resilience becomes your achilles heel,

when your altruism is unappreciated yet compulsively given,

when you are chronically invalidated and devalued…

How long does it take before you feel the pain?

Better yet, how long does it take before you cut the ties?

If you are habitually stay for “too long” in relationships that suck you dry, if you KNOW that something better is possible, if you’re done feeding the beast…

this video is for you.

Love and blessings,


2 thoughts on “Rejection! The hardest part of leaving a narcissist you love – is probably not what you think it is.

  1. You asked for comments at the video’s conclusion, Debbie, so here’s one: Each video in this “Healing from Narcissistic Abuse” series succinctly & with Zen-like grace conveys to me just what I need to hear at that moment… as though I’m reading a personalized “Daily Meditation” book. That’s my comment. And if you don’t detect a compliment in that comment, then here’s one more plainly (and it actually rhymes!): This series has been a salve and a seed for my wounds and my needs. Merci Beaucoup, once again, Debbie!! 🙂

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