For the Love of Truth – Liberation from Narcissistic Abuse

There are two kinds of people in the world who love truth: children, and those who want liberation from narcissistic abuse. If you are the latter, this video is for you.

Update: Upon reading this post, one of our readers, Will Mathes, commented: “I’d like to add to this list: people who are truly ‘done’/who’ve surrendered completely/who know their old way of life holds absolutely nothing for them any longer.” To that, I say, AMEN Brother!

Heads up for parents: An f-bomb and an a-bomb were dropped during the making of this video.

6 thoughts on “For the Love of Truth – Liberation from Narcissistic Abuse

  1. Such a well-expressed message in this video, Debbie! Thank you!
    I would like to point out your written ‘intro’ isn’t expressing the same message as what you said in your video — you were more inclusive in the video — When you write: “There are two kinds of people in the world who love truth: children and those who want liberation from narcissistic abuse,” it seems like you’re saying there are ONLY two kinds of people who love truth… which I’m pretty sure is NOT what you believe. Anyway, I’d like to add to this list: people who are truly ‘done’/who’ve surrendered completely/who know their old way of life holds absolutely nothing for them any longer… I’ve found these sort of people love truth, too. Just sayin’. But really… Your videos rock!! And ARE so helpful, encouraging, illuminating, etc., etc.!! Muchas Gracias!!! G’nite! 🙂

  2. Happie Debbie
    Omg I just saw you. You are so pretty with hair n eye brows and you talk with your hands…
    And you have such a lovely laugh…

    It’s like meeting a friend 🙂

    The thread weaved the magic that’s happening today, isnt it?
    Do keep talking n encouraging souls like me. A little validation…teehee

    Hugs n flying kisses.

  3. Thanks, Debbie… I appreciate the simple, unique way you approached what I brought up. Have a superb evening! 🙂

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