Impromptu Testimonial from Juli J

juli first coaching session fall of 2018 testimonial jan 2019

My dear friend Juli J also happens to be an awesome coaching client. She just posted this radiant testimonial and photo up on Facebook. I’m so tickled that I asked her if I could share it here to spread the kudos and the inspiration with you!

She writes: Juli is feeling ACCOMPLISHED.

Hard work & persistence —it can feel like your goals are just out of reach and then suddenly you know your goal is won…because it all begins on the inside.

Although it may not look like you are “working” to the outside world, it is the personal growth, the digging in the mucky muck (with the help of an amazing coach) that allows you to succeed beyond your self imposed limitation.

I am sharing this for anyone who knows there is more in them to give…who wants more than anything to be a force for good in this world. You can do it. I believe in you.

I, however, am not a coach but I know how small changes add up. So, thank you Debbie Happy Cohen for helping me clear a path free of the weeds of drama and distraction and have an embodied understanding of what is true and what is unclear. And for helping navigate these new waters with integrity and love. Pat and I are most grateful for your guidance.

Pic: this photo is from our 1st coaching session 9/5/18


I believe in you, too.

With love,

Happy D!

(ps. It was Juli J and Pat who nicknamed me Happy D!)



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