A drunk gazelle is like a bald tire (emotional abuse, emotional flashbacks, cptsd, cptsr, 5 finger mnemonic)


Having emotional flashbacks isn’t necessarily a negative or bad experience. Daydreaming, creativity, relaxed contentment can feel like a day on the beach whilst being surrounded by cray-cray people. Opium, LSD and alcohol can also be pleasant. But they’re not good for driving. Or for gazelles living in the grasslands of Africa. Relaxed alertness is gold.

If you find yourself having difficulty

  • gaining traction in your life (like a bald tire)
  • leaving your oppressor (like Dobby the house elf in the Potter series)

you probably have some healing to do.

At the heart of the healing is stopping the automatic flight-fight-freeze-fawn responses by snapping out of the emotional flashbacks and severe inner critic messages and dissociation responses that come with CPTSD or CPTSR (complex post traumatic stress disorder / response).

These intelligent responses were once designed to keep you safe. But now you might find yourself hostage, locked in a cave of your own making. You’re not a gazelle. Wake up. Stop it. Snap back. You’re an adult now. And you can fly free.

Empower your joy, embody your truth, and live your dreams.

I believe in you,

Happy D!


2 thoughts on “A drunk gazelle is like a bald tire (emotional abuse, emotional flashbacks, cptsd, cptsr, 5 finger mnemonic)

  1. Being a recovering gazelle myself, I deeply appreciated the video you shared, Debbie. Way!

    And yes, grasstinis kicked my ass, too. 🙂

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