Why I love Oscar the Grouch – and is Sesame Street really a show about practicing Mindfulness?


I love love love Oscar the Grouch. Always have. Always will. I love that he is who he is. And I LOOOVE that he is accepted and loved in his curmudgeon-ness. To me, joy is most alive – and has the most spacious room to expand – in environments where all parts of ourselves are fully accepted and loved, even the grouchiest. The practice of Mindfulness reminds us to welcome and embrace all of our feelings.

Which brings up a question of boundaries, as there are, in fact, parts of ourselves that simply need to be told, at times, with firmness and with a smile, “No way, Jose’, I Don’t Think So!” And here’s a video about that, too :-). Hope it makes you smile!

Yes, that’s me :-). The book is available for purchase here. I highly recommend the paperback for young children who absolutely love turning the pages and reading it over and over and over again. Inner children count, too, by the way!

Families that laugh and cry together are more likely to grow and stay together.

Love and blessings,


4 thoughts on “Why I love Oscar the Grouch – and is Sesame Street really a show about practicing Mindfulness?

  1. Also worthy of mentioning (based on my experience) is this: “I Don’t Think So!” — the book you wrote (and read aloud in the video – Yay, Hiro-Big-Boy!!) — is ABSOLUTELY A BOOK FOR ALL AGES!!! 🙂

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