Setting Manifestation FREE After CPTSD (codependency/ CPTSR/ emotional abuse)

Those of you who know me know how much I enjoy manifestation and vibrational alignment and serendipity! And if you’ve taken my popular course, you also know it works!

HOWEVER, if you’re stuck … it could be due to unprocessed trauma … which would emit the precise opposite vibration to just about any positive manifestation… ESPECIALLY those which would be expressions of your power (or even your existence).

This video can help you find your alignment again. (F-bomb warning)

Manifesting is meant to be fun and delightful, easy and free… isn’t it time to let it be? ❤️❤️❤️

Much love,


3 thoughts on “Setting Manifestation FREE After CPTSD (codependency/ CPTSR/ emotional abuse)

  1. Thanks for the good stuff on this vlog, Debbie! I appreciated your use of the phrase “leaning in…” — so often, this seems to be what makes the difference, the decision to “allow ourselves” to lift one foot off of the old shore and take a step in the direction of a new, more desirable shore we see (or sense is) there in front of us (paraphrasing a saying attributed to Buddha). Onward to manifesting more joy and fulfillment of our heart’s desires! 🙂

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