3 questions to ask yourself to determine the severity of your post traumatic stress

You are so worthy of your own healing… you are so worthy of waking up to your own peace and joy. Trauma is one tough topic but I believe it can be a powerful gateway to deep and lasting healing. You are so very worth it. Good on ya!

Much love,


ps. Thank you, Will Mathes, for our generative conversation that inspired the clarity for this message.

pps. for more info about CPTSD/ CPTSR, just enter either of those in the search bar here at www.joybasedliving.com in the website footer.

3 thoughts on “3 questions to ask yourself to determine the severity of your post traumatic stress

  1. This blog-post, as per your usual, Debbie, sheds light on a topic that clearly affects a significant portion of our society: how do we heal from traumatic abuse? I feel grateful for the earnest, caring efforts you’re putting forward, and pray the messages you send out have a profound “ripple effect” in our collective consciousness. God bless you, your healing process and your insightful, compassionate expressions. 🙂

    1. Thank you so much, Will, for being in the depths of this conversation with me. It’s so very life giving and generative. Hopeful and uplifting. Deep appreciation!!! And waggy tails and all… all the way from the other side :-).

      1. Tears of gratitude for your reply… especially the “waggy tails… from the other side” reference. (Hiro-head = “Healer Dog”) 🙂

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