TEA TIME coming soon!

(click to enlarge)

TEA TIME with HappyD Tea Time option 3.png

Every single day, it seems, I receive a very personal message from someone who is working through and breaking through some really deep stuff. While this thrills me to no end, I know there are so many others who are facing the same experiences, and this is inspiring me to launch a new series of videos.

It’s an absolute joy to see people set themselves free from old, outdated, limited ways of thinking – about themselves, others and life itself. It’s an even greater joy to see each person SOAR as they become more fully themselves, more fully expressed, more fully supported, more happy and successful, in the outer world.

The people I love working with most are courageous, honest, open-minded risk-takers who are willing to TRANSFORM their lives from the inside out. Imperfect, yet TOTALLY AWESOME. It’s a privilege to receive each message. THANK YOU for inspiring this upcoming series.

I wonder, which of the images do you like best? The table is open for suggestions!

With love,


3 thoughts on “TEA TIME coming soon!

  1. I like the idea you’re putting out there, Debbie… Good stuff! 🙂

    As for my preference, I like the top image better, Debbie, because its focus and the intrigue associated with it (“Hm-m, I wonder what’s involved with the ‘Tea Time’ she’s referring to? What’s this ‘Tea Time’ about?”) seems more about the Tea Time, whereas the one with your name right alongside it throws me immediately into: “Well, it’s most likely some sort of ‘tea event’ during which Debbie holds a round-table discussion while drinking tea.” Two alternatives occur to me, if you or your other readers/viewers end up in a tie about this matter: Make the “”with Happy D” smaller by half OR increase the Debbie Happy Cohen 3-4x larger and add “with” in front of it (letting “Founder of Joy-Based Living” remain the size it is… I’d also leave off “M.A.” in this last option.
    Hope this helps, but it’s, at the end of the day, just another POV. 🙂

    1. Thanks, those are all really good points, Will… I tend to get in my head in the editing process 🙂 So it helps to see other perspectives!! Back to the heart… back to the heart … like a mantra 🙂

    2. I just added a different “option b”. See what you think. It’s going to be at the youtube channel “Debbie Happy Cohen” so maybe my name doesn’t need to be on the image.

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