I See God in You – Movie Therapy #RabNeBanaDiJodi #CPTSD #CPTSR #codependency

“How was I to know that healthy love includes generous amounts of positive feedback?”

In previous posts (Rehab for codependency (Part 1 and 2), and 2 main lies codependents tell themselves), I mention two types of boundaries: 1. stop the negative. 2. build the positive.

Many codependents apply boundary #1 (for years, even a lifetime) and neglect to create relationships that develop #2. That’s a dangerous practice which will lead to surviving without really thriving. And being clueless about what you’re missing.

Raise your eyes to the sky – get to know who you really are – and resolve to never settle.

Much love,

Happy D!

For more info about CPTSR/ CPTSD/ codependency/ co-narcissism, just enter any of those terms in the search bar (in the website footer) at https://joybasedliving.com/

Debbie Happy Cohen is a master coach with a graduate degree in counseling. She’s the founder of Joy-Based Living, an online global conversation where people develop the skills to create (internal and external) environments so that JOY can thrive in their lives.

Many people who are committed to having joy in their lives are people who have known its exact opposite. Therefore, we explore many aspects of joy, including its shadows. Awareness, acceptance and action are keys to opening the doors to greater joy; and courage is strengthened when people experience connection.

The Joy-Based Living E-book offers 12 foundational practices to help you get in touch with your feelings, make a deeper commitment to yourself, and step up into becoming who you really are. It’s a great supplement any holistic practice, including therapy and coaching. https://joybasedliving.com/ebook/

One thought on “I See God in You – Movie Therapy #RabNeBanaDiJodi #CPTSD #CPTSR #codependency

  1. I appreciate how deep-to-the-core this video-post’s “title” message (and your commentary about it) goes… Having seen the movie you recommend here, I can attest to it being a truly great example of “I see God in you” and seeing God in oneself. All of this (your vid-post & the movie) reminds me of the ancient Upanishads’ mahavakya (‘great expression’): “I am That, Thou art That, all This is nothing but That.” (i.e., where “That” refers to the Divine, Ultimate Reality, God)
    We’re here to see with such eyes, people… as far as I can tell.
    And we all start each day from where we are with it.
    Thanks for inspiring more in us, Debbie.

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