Love, blessings and prayers of wellbeing for all

Debbie Flowers Watercolor and ink

I just wanted to let you all know that I’m thinking about you and sending good thoughts your way. In Walmart today, though the store wasn’t very busy, many of the shelves were empty. People are feeling afraid. I get it.

While fear can gain its own momentum, so can the choice to think a different thought. And thoughts of love have their own depth of power. For example:

I’m imagining a beautiful flower inside each of you and seeing it blessed with sunshine and rain, growing beautifully and bountifully. I see you healthy and well. I see you enjoying your time alone and your time with others.

Please join me in a gentle, easy blessing . . . simply imagine a beautiful flower inside of each person you know, growing strong.

Take good care of yourself.

Much love, big love, to you and everyone you know,

Debbie Happy Cohen aka Reverend SASSY SHORTS! and HAPPY D!

Debbie Happy Cohen is the founder of Joy-Based Living
I want you to LOVE negotiating for JOY! | Author | Coach at Joy-Based Living

ps. Here’s a little owl for some extra wisdom 🙂

owl in a field

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