Being underexpressed can be exhausting and deadly – Go Play! – SASSY SUNDAY 29 of 52

painting by Debbie Happy Cohen

Our spirits are meant to be fully expressed and free. That’s just how it is. That’s just WHAT IS. As children, we know this! And since we were all children once upon a time, WE ALL KNOW THIS!

That’s why, when Michele Stone, curator and leader of our Joy-Based Living art exhibit (coming September 2020, stay tuned!) said that she wants people to feel the magic of childhood throughout our exhibit, I was completely inspired and on board!!! YES!!!

There’s an energy of possibility and possibility in children’s rooms, whether it’s got a pink princess or a surfer-dude/ skateboard vibe. And there is absolutely NO reason for that energy to be suffocated in adults.

Remember when I posted this?

Well, the opposite of codependency isn’t “independence” or even “interdependence.”


Spaciousness to feel and think and experience THIS MOMENT IN TIME from my own unique perspective. And to bring to the table-of-life the PARTY of my inner world.

There is power in absurdity. We LOVE the artists and musicians who deliver their JOY to us by sharing their uniqueness in spades. David Bowie, David Byrnes, Dolly Parton, Melissa McCarthy – my list is quite long but these are some of my favorites who came to my mind first.

Here’s the deal, dear friend.

If you don’t let your freak flag FLY, then WHO WILL?

Who’s living at the center of your psyche?

Go Play!

Much love,

Your favorite Reverend SASSY SHORTS!

ps. I’m catching up on SASSY SUNDAY posts, so today you’re getting 2 for the price of 1 today! Anyhoo, they’re free so who’s counting?!!

Debbie Happy Cohen, author and coach, is the founder of Joy-Based Living. Her Master’s Degree is in counseling, specializing in family systems, healing emotional trauma, and practical spirituality. Also affectionately known as Happy D! and Reverend SASSY SHORTS!, she lives on Lookout Mountain in Alabama, near Chattanooga, Tennessee. Her books include Reach Your Stars!, SANCTUARY, It’s All About Kids: Every Child Deserves a Teacher of the Year, and I Don’t Think So! Her social media playgrounds as well as the SANCTUARY ebook can be found right here.

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