
I want to support you and your families during this time of Corona/ Social Distancing

Since you are doing your best to strengthen your relationship with yourself and others during this time of change, I want you to know you are not alone. We at JBL are here with you.

IF you want more joy in your life and you’ve attempted a bunch of different things that DIDN’T STICK – it’s because you probably don’t have your stage set properly. You need to get on solid ground. You need to practice a few proven basic habits that will allow your personal development to truly take root and grow.

The complete 12 Practices E-book program is now $1 (normally $27).

THAT’s what the 12 Practices are for. It’s a self-study program with journaling pages and 12 videos. I encourage you to JUMP IN AND DO IT! It’s right here waiting for you!




When I realized a couple of years ago that a bunch of us were dealing with childhood trauma, I didn’t know how that would FIT with Joy-Based Living. Then it dawned on me that I’ve been processing it and working to resolve it all along.

Back in 2009, I wrote I Don’t Think So! for my inner child who felt o’so’powerless! It’s brought so much joy and laughter to me and many other kids since then!!

In 2015, the Get Fairy Tales series of stories were written for all of our inner children who have faced all sorts of trauma. They’re just wonderful. Short and sweet, each one complete.

In 2018, my friend Amy and I created the Courage to Connect curriculum for teachers to help them strengthen resilience and kindness in their students.

Looking at all of these products now, I can see how well-connected they are to each other. I had no idea that would happen when the process first began. I guess it’s true that when you follow your heart, and you create from that space, everything has a way of making sense. I hope you enjoy some or all of these products as much as we’ve enjoyed creating them for you!!


I Don’t Think So! is available in paperback through Amazon and also on Kindle.

FAIRY TALES ON AUDIO: Empowerment stories called Get Fairy Tales. They’re for all ages with cover-art by Vito Acosta from Bogota, Colombia.
MULTIMEDIA CURRICULUM: Courage to Connect for 3rd, 4th, 5th grades, co-created with Amy Gregory of Austin, Texas.


It’s taken me 3 years to properly introduce this page! Why? Because I’ve been completely focused on and obsessed with everyone who’s been metaphorically eating these these products, kind of like a chef who peers through the window at a fancy restaurant, except that I joined my crowd AT the table. These meals – and the amazing relationships we have developed – and the results in our lives – have proven to be FREAKIN AMAZING. OUTSTANDING. WORLD CLASS.

How do I love thee? Let me count the ways!!

Here are a few metaphors to entice you to purchase a product or two and to help you see which ones might be a great fit for you.

  1. You wouldn’t try to create a garden in hardened, rocky soil, would you?
  2. You wouldn’t want your favorite basketball team to play on a rickety court with holes in the floor, right?
  3. You wouldn’t try to cook a meal in your kitchen if the sink was clogged? Um, I hope not!

And yet, that’s how most people go about their daily lives. They set goals – or they don’t – without pausing to set the stage properly. Sports people know they need to center themselves first – feet about 12-inches apart, knees bent – before boxing or running or kicking or anything.

That’s not very romantic or sizzly and it doesn’t sound like a whole lot of fun. BUT – IT’S THE BASIS FOR JOY AND FOR JOY-BASED LIVING.

If you feel you would like some one-on-one support, I’m currently available to coach a very small number of new people. But really – if you’re ready to get started, JUST DO IT!


2-hr VIDEO & MULTIMEDIA Bring it ON! From Toxic Shame to Self-Connection – a Wholehearted Mastermind experience transmuting resistance with active presence

Over the last 2 years, due to having the 12 Practices as a solid foundation, my friends and I discovered, uncovered, processed and resolved some pretty severe childhood trauma. Anyone dealing with that knows the experience of TOXIC SHAME. Yuck! But we came through to the other side with more power and more joy than EVER. The fruits are emerging in all directions! A process we practiced over and over again is called Wholehearted Mastermind. You can walk through it vicariously with us in the BRING IT ON program and feel some of the grime wash itself away! YEAH!

Audio Set of Affirmations FOLLOW THROUGH MADE EASY

Amazingly, these original audio meditations were practically “downloaded” to me, I think from my grandfather, after he passed. I sat at a park surrounded by trees, overlooking a pond, and penned the words into a small red, leatherbound journal over the period of a few weeks. They’re beautifully and professionally recorded, in my voice. People have told me that they love listening to them over and over again.