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Sitting Up with Comfort and Strength #kentro #feelbetter #backandneck

A few years ago, I had a severe neck pain that was so bad even cashiers and waitresses would wince when I walked into a store or restaurant. The chiropractor would only work on me after I had a massage and electro-stim. This went on for a couple of weeks. It was HORRIBLE. To the point of my own erupting into hysterical laughter at times, but even that was dangerously painful!

My meeting with Angela Thusius was a superbly miraculous serendipity and I am forever grateful to her. She’s a rockstar, a miracle worker, and just like her name, an angel!

Within a few minutes of working with her, I started feeling better. She gave me practices to do at home to build very specific muscles. She taught me ways to sit and stand that would require the least amount of pressure or effort. I told her about Mario Martinez’ work and we became great friends.

Here is her recent newsletter where she shares a video of me filming her.

New! Interview Video: Sitting Up with Comfort and Strength

Dear Kentro Friends and Students,

I am delighted to share with you a fun, very informal interview with my friend Debbie. We were enjoying our time at the Ashland Bloomsbury café and she filmed me showing how to “Sit Up” with comfort and strength, by integrating Kentro guidelines. Here’s the result!

I hope this off-the-cuff interview gives you a taste of how centering guidelines can transform your sitting experience into moving with more ease!

Here’s the video:

Debbie Cohen is a wonderful life coach and author, an out-of-state student who studied Kentro with me here in Ashland. Her website is

Happy Summer,
cheers and best wishes,


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