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JOY is so hard to talk about!! Why? Because the obstacles to JOY are so f-ing TABOO. LET’S KEEP TALKING!


In the last few weeks I’ve been making improvements to the JBL website and found myself getting REALLY RESISTANT AND STUCK when it came to writing the thank you follow-up letter to people who sign up to the JBL newsletter.

This baffled me, as I have absolutely no problem writing blog posts! Then I realized what was happening. I wrote it in the newsletter, so rather than TELL you, I’ll SHOW you. Here’s the letter. Thanks for supporting me in this creative endeavor!

The newsletter copy includes a link to the SANCTUARY e-book, so if you want it, just click here.

Much love,

Happy D!

ps. I posted the LOVE tree that I painted a few years ago because this image gives me strength to remember what’s most important! I hope that by taking the risk to be myself, YOU are inspired to do the same!

Hi Friend,

Welcome to Joy-Based Living and thank you for subscribing to the newsletter!

(link to SANCTUARY e-book)

JOY is such a beautiful feeling. Yet talking about it is a little tricky because it means something different to every person. It looks different, sounds different, even smells different. Yet, we all know the elation of energy when we feel JOY.

I believe JOY is the nature of our being. It’s who we are. It’s as natural and organic as the soil in the earth and the sun in the sky. So what’s the problem?

Most of us have JOY either suffocated or blocked off to some degree. Therefore, what I propose is that we face our obstacles to JOY and get over them.


Whether it’s TRAUMA that’s stuck in our bodies, or a resistance to the mere idea of SPIRITUALITY, or a fear of letting ourselves be FULLY EXPRESSED in the world – whatever the TABOO TOPIC is – let’s get beyond our resistances and increase the presence of JOY in our daily lives. This will take COURAGE.

But it helps to know we’re in it together!

The topic of healing trauma, which inspired SANCTUARY, is one piece of a larger conversation at Joy-Based Living. I hope you’ll read it and share it with anyone you know who might be experiencing a lot of stress.

You can find an up-to-date conversation happening at the JBL blog. Here’s the link: I invite you to share your thoughts and questions at the blog.

The more I know about what matters to you, the better I can support your efforts! May this journey be an awesome step towards self-healing and self-discovery and JOY for all of us.

Once again, thank you for being part of this movement.

Much love,
Debbie Happy Cohen
Founder of Joy-Based Living

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