3 Black Mothers Whom I Admire and Adore – and Mark Twain, too!

What on God’s green earth does Mark Twain have to do with 3 amazing black moms? And what do these people have to do with YOU? Your DREAMS? Your JOY? Listen, learn and be inspired! What lights up your heart? Who supports you in taking up more space in the world, with your heart light … More 3 Black Mothers Whom I Admire and Adore – and Mark Twain, too!

CPTSR is emotional slavery – Trevor Noah – Richard Grannon – Thank you

I’ve got a pretty full day tomorrow so will post this tonight, a few hours earlier than usual. You’re welcome. Happy Freedom Week here in the 🇺🇸 USA! I just realized after making this video that it’s a perfect fit for the theme of Independence Day on July 4. In this case, we’re all about … More CPTSR is emotional slavery – Trevor Noah – Richard Grannon – Thank you