3 questions to ask yourself to determine the severity of your post traumatic stress

You are so worthy of your own healing… you are so worthy of waking up to your own peace and joy. Trauma is one tough topic but I believe it can be a powerful gateway to deep and lasting healing. You are so very worth it. Good on ya! Much love, HappyD! ps. Thank you, … More 3 questions to ask yourself to determine the severity of your post traumatic stress

Note to broken record superego introject inner critic (cptsd/ cptsr/ healing) Secret Garden Police Academy Forrest Gump

Soon after posting the last post (advice for walking through Pete Walker’s Books – CPTSD and Tao of Fully Feeling), a client sent this collage to me. KUDOS to her! I’m sharing it with permission. May you feel inspired. May you be set free. #artasmeditation #artastransformation #artheals Click to enlarge. Title: note to broken record superego … More Note to broken record superego introject inner critic (cptsd/ cptsr/ healing) Secret Garden Police Academy Forrest Gump