Manifesting friendship – SASSY SUNDAY – 27 of 52

I’m going to keep this short. But it’s huge. By keeping it short, I’m hoping the staying power of this message will be stronger in your mind and in your heart.

I treasure my close friends. Truly.

What I’ve discovered over the years is that the most gorgeous quality about my deepest friendships is NOT about the give and take. It’s strange to say that. Offering and receiving, giving and taking, are certainly there. But the friendships I value most are about BEING.


BEING you.

Appreciating each other’s BEINGNESS.

Treasuring that most invisible, immeasurable, amazing non-thing:

the space between us.

One of the most stunning and beautiful book inscriptions I ever received was from a gay male friend of mine.

In it, he wrote, “I love doing nothing with you.”

I don’t think there’s a greater compliment than that.

I wish that for you.

I wish that for me.

And really and truly, I wish that for all of humanity.

Much love,


ps. Yes I’m a wee bit behind on the Sassy Sunday posts, so I’ll aim to post a few in the next week to catch up. I’ve been working really diligently at our new Wholehearted Networking program which successfully relaunched with a major upgrade a couple of weeks ago. It’s our group members who inspired this post. Their sincerity and commitment and desire for friendship touches my heart to the core.

#gratitude #gratitude #gratitude

Debbie Happy Cohen, author and coach, is the founder of Joy-Based Living. Her Master’s Degree is in counseling, specializing in family systems, healing emotional trauma, and practical spirituality. Also affectionately known as Happy D! and Reverend SASSY SHORTS!, she lives on Lookout Mountain in Alabama, near Chattanooga, Tennessee. Her books include Reach Your Stars!, SANCTUARY, It’s All About Kids: Every Child Deserves a Teacher of the Year, and I Don’t Think So! Her social media playgrounds as well as the SANCTUARY ebook can be found right here.

4 thoughts on “Manifesting friendship – SASSY SUNDAY – 27 of 52

  1. Quite glad to see & hear your sermon, regardless of the length of it, Reverend!!! I feel the power of what you shared here… Keep ‘dat Spirit-talk goin’, Rev!!! 😉

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