Empaths in Leadership and Power O Yeah

Brene Brown is researcher and storyteller who’s kicked open the door to a worldwide conversation on shame-awareness, vulnerability and wholeheartedness. Simon Sinek is a highly valued consultant to corporate and military leaders worldwide, encouraging millions of people to name their WHY and bring purpose to their daily lives. Elizabeth Gilbert, author of Eat Pray Love, … More Empaths in Leadership and Power O Yeah

The 7 Powers of Highly Effective Empaths

The 7 Powers of highly effective empaths belong to everyone, but they are more pronounced in empathic folks. When these Powers are under-developed, suffering ensues. But when they are honed through awareness, validation and regular use, all things become possible. Here is an outline of the 7 Powers and their corresponding essential actions. I’ll also … More The 7 Powers of Highly Effective Empaths

Impromptu Testimonial from Juli J

My dear friend Juli J also happens to be an awesome coaching client. She just posted this radiant testimonial and photo up on Facebook. I’m so tickled that I asked her if I could share it here to spread the kudos and the inspiration with you! She writes: Juli is feeling ACCOMPLISHED. Hard work & … More Impromptu Testimonial from Juli J