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Goat Notes Revisited (and Thank You)


I just counted.

I have shared 76 blog posts here at Joy-Based Living, since October 23, 2018. That’s only 4 months. Mostly along the topics of narcissistic abuse and bringing out the best in yourself and others. WHEW!!!

This brought me back to January 6, 2018, when I first started speaking publicly about narcissism. With all the courage I could muster up, I kicked off a series of videos called GOAT NOTES for people who’ve been scapegoated or black sheep-ed.

Here’s the playlist of Goat Notes

I will never forget Goat Note 1. It still rings true and speaks to my soul:

Goat Note 1: Why I Love Garbage Can Girl: A poem for scapegoats and black sheep.

This poem is about embracing even the weakest, lowliest aspects of ourselves. Turning toward ourselves with love and affection and tenderness, no matter what.

More and more, every day, in so many different conversations, I am learning that there are so many who are affected by this insidious relational sickness. Thankfully, more people are waking up to the effects of narcissistic abuse and are stepping up, getting educated and healing. Thanks for being with me on this journey.

I appreciate you for tuning in to this blog. I appreciate you for your personal transformation, for creating a new experience in the world. From loneliness to connection. From voiceless to empowered. From hiding our light to letting it shine. From powerlessness to joy. It’s a long road but oh, so worthy!

Thank you for letting me make a difference in your life. Thank you for making a difference in mine.

Much love,

Happy D!

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