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You Deserve To Feel Amazing!

You deserve to feel amazing whale doing a backflip

So, the thing I despise most about healing from narcissistic abuse . . . oh, crap, I can’t limit it to one thing! So here’s a bullet point list and I’m sure it’s not complete. Please feel free to add your own in the comment section.

I’ll tell you what, honeybee! You’re not alone. In fact, this past year has taught me not only who my true friends are, but who is willing to really face – and transcend – their own inner demons on the path to more joy, success, brilliance and beauty – being fully expressed. Healthy self-identity. Healthy narcissism. Healthy sense of agency and control.

The thing I haven’t really talked about here is that over this last couple of years, I have become a “Chief Organizational Strategist” to people I’m coaching. As a result, they are breaking through the above barriers and they are FOCUSING FORWARD AND WINNING IN THEIR BUSINESSES (artists, healers, coaches, leaders) in ways they never imagined possible before. Or maybe they imagined it, but they didn’t see the steps between here and there. It’s become my daily joy. My reason for waking up in the morning. It’s so freakin’ FUN to watch them GO!!! It’s better than any football game I’ve ever seen!! And I get to be RIGHT THERE WITH THEM!!! WOOO HOOOOOOO!!!!!!

Here’s the other thing… they get to hang out with each other… which not only removes the stigma of all of the above crap-o-la… but they get to cheer each other on because they understand the depth of the breakthroughs that the others are having… this is a HUGE DREAM COME TRUE. And, they continue to let me know how much they appreciate this conversation around healing from this crappy form of torture called Narcissistic Abuse (groan groan). These people – my true tribe – continue to encourage me to keep talking and keep writing about this topic. THIS, my friend, is simply stunning to me.

I can turn this post into a sales pitch right now, but that’s not my intention. I want you to know that it’s POSSIBLE for you to get to the other side of this journey. I want you to know that YOU DESERVE TO FEEL AMAZING. I want you to know that if no one else is cheering you on, I AM AND WE ARE, all of us here at Joy-Based Living.

So much love to you!!!

Happy D!

ps. I love the photo and could not find who to credit, so if you know, please share.


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